Solving the “Unknown Bayeux Transport” Error with CometD via WebSockets and Jetty 12.0.8
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Solving the “Unknown Bayeux Transport” Error with CometD via WebSockets and Jetty 12.0.8

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Are you frustrated with the “unknown Bayeux transport” error when trying to use CometD via WebSockets with Jetty 12.0.8? You’re not alone! This pesky error has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution for you. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of CometD, WebSockets, and Jetty 12.0.8, and provide a step-by-step guide to resolve this error once and for all.

What is CometD?

CometD is a scalable, real-time web messaging framework that enables bi-directional communication between the server and the client. It’s built on top of the Bayeux protocol, which provides a flexible and efficient way to push data from the server to the client.

What is Bayeux?

Bayeux is a protocol for bi-directional communication over the web. It’s designed to be efficient, scalable, and flexible, making it an ideal choice for real-time web applications. Bayeux provides a way to establish a persistent connection between the client and the server, allowing for both server-initiated and client-initiated communication.

The “Unknown Bayeux Transport” Error

So, what’s the “unknown Bayeux transport” error all about? When CometD tries to establish a connection with the server, it sends a handshake request to the server, which includes the Bayeux protocol version and the list of supported transports. If the server responds with an “unknown Bayeux transport” error, it means that the server doesn’t recognize or support one or more of the transports listed in the handshake request.

What’s Wrong with Jetty 12.0.8?

Jetty 12.0.8 is a popular Java-based web server and servlet container that supports WebSockets. However, it has some quirks that can cause the “unknown Bayeux transport” error. The main issue is that Jetty 12.0.8 doesn’t enable the WebSocket transport by default, which is required for CometD to work correctly.

Solving the “Unknown Bayeux Transport” Error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s get to the solution! To fix the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Enable WebSocket Transport in Jetty 12.0.8

    To enable WebSocket transport in Jetty 12.0.8, you’ll need to add the following configuration to your `jetty.xml` file:

    <Configure id=" cometd" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
      <Call name="setHandler">
          <New id="handlers" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection">
            <Call name="addHandler">
                <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketHandler">
                  <Set name="websocket">
                    <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356.server.ServerContainer">
                      <Call name="setContextPath">

    This configuration enables the WebSocket handler and sets the context path to `/cometd`.

  2. Configure CometD to Use WebSocket Transport

    Next, you’ll need to configure CometD to use the WebSocket transport. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your `cometd.xml` file:

    <beans xmlns=""
      <bean id="bayeux" class="org.cometd.server.BayeuxServerImpl">
        <property name="transports">
            <bean class="org.cometd.websocket.server.WebSocketTransportServer">
              <constructor-arg ref="bayeux"/>

    This configuration defines a `BayeuxServerImpl` bean and sets the `transports` property to use the `WebSocketTransportServer`.

  3. Update CometD Client to Use WebSocket Transport

    Finally, you’ll need to update your CometD client to use the WebSocket transport. You can do this by adding the following JavaScript code:

    var cometd = new org.cometd.CometD();
      url: '/cometd',
      logLevel: 'debug'
    cometd.websocketEnabled = true;

    This code initializes the CometD client and sets the URL to `/cometd`. It also enables WebSocket transport by setting `websocketEnabled` to `true`.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with the “unknown Bayeux transport” error, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problem:

  • Check Jetty Configuration

    Make sure that the WebSocket transport is enabled in your Jetty configuration file (`jetty.xml`). Verify that the WebSocket handler is properly configured and that the context path is set to `/cometd`.

  • Verify CometD Configuration

    Check your CometD configuration file (`cometd.xml`) to ensure that the WebSocket transport is correctly configured. Verify that the `transports` property is set to use the `WebSocketTransportServer`.

  • Check Client-Side Code

    Verify that your CometD client-side code is correctly configured to use the WebSocket transport. Check that the `websocketEnabled` property is set to `true` and that the URL is set to `/cometd`.

  • Enable Debug Logging

    Enable debug logging on both the server-side and client-side to get more detailed information about the error. This can help you identify the root cause of the problem.


In this article, we’ve explored the “unknown Bayeux transport” error that occurs when using CometD via WebSockets with Jetty 12.0.8. We’ve provided a step-by-step guide to resolving this error by enabling WebSocket transport in Jetty, configuring CometD to use WebSocket transport, and updating the CometD client to use WebSocket transport. We’ve also provided some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve any issues that may arise. By following these steps, you should be able to get CometD working correctly with Jetty 12.0.8 and WebSockets.

Remember, CometD is a powerful tool for building real-time web applications, and with the right configuration and troubleshooting, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way.

Keyword Explanation
CometD A scalable, real-time web messaging framework that enables bi-directional communication between the server and the client.
Bayeux A protocol for bi-directional communication over the web that provides a flexible and efficient way to push data from the server to the client.
WebSocket A protocol that enables bi-directional, real-time communication between the client and the server over the web.
Jetty 12.0.8 A popular Java-based

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with CometD via WebSocket and getting the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with Jetty 12.0.8? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the “unknown Bayeux transport” error, and how does it relate to CometD and WebSocket?

The “unknown Bayeux transport” error occurs when the Bayeux protocol, used by CometD, can’t find a suitable transport mechanism to establish a connection with the server. With WebSocket, this error typically arises due to misconfiguration or incompatibility issues with the Jetty server.

What are the common causes of the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8?

Common causes of this error include: incorrect or missing WebSocket configuration, incompatible Jetty versions, corrupted or outdated dependencies, and incorrect CometD client or server configurations.

How can I troubleshoot the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8?

To troubleshoot this error, start by verifying your WebSocket configuration, checking the Jetty server logs for any errors, and ensuring that all dependencies are up-to-date and compatible. Also, review your CometD client and server configurations to ensure they are correctly set up.

What are some potential solutions to the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8?

Potential solutions include: enabling WebSocket support in the Jetty server, configuring the correct transport mechanisms in CometD, updating dependencies to compatible versions, and ensuring that the CometD client and server are correctly configured and connected.

Where can I find more information and resources to help me resolve the “unknown Bayeux transport” error with CometD and Jetty 12.0.8?

For more information and resources, refer to the official CometD and Jetty documentation, as well as online forums and communities, such as Stack Overflow, where you can find answers to similar issues and ask for help from experienced developers.

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