Solved: “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” – The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Flyway Errors
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Solved: “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” – The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Flyway Errors

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Are you tired of wrestling with Flyway errors? Do you find yourself stuck on the dreaded “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” message? Worry no more, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to resolve this pesky issue and get your database migrations back on track.

What’s Causing the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” Error?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s understand what’s causing this error in the first place. Flyway is a popular tool for managing database schema migrations. When you apply a migration, Flyway expects the migration script to be present in the local file system. If it can’t find the script, it throws the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error.

The most common reasons for this error are:

  • Deleted or renamed migration scripts
  • Inconsistent migration versions between environments
  • Missing or corrupted migration files
  • Incorrect Flyway configuration

Solution 1: Verify Migration Script Existence and Naming

The first step in resolving this error is to ensure that the migration script exists in the correct location and has the correct naming convention.

Follow these steps:

  1. Check your migrations folder and verify that the script with the corresponding version number exists.
  2. Make sure the script name follows the correct naming convention, typically in the format V[version]__[description].sql, where [version] is the migration version and [description] is a brief description of the changes.
  3. If the script is missing, recreate it with the correct name and version number.
  4. If the script exists, but has a different name or version, update it to match the expected format.


Let’s say you’re experiencing the error with migration version 20230110150000. Check your migrations folder for a script named V20230110150000__create_users_table.sql. If it’s missing or has a different name, recreate it with the correct name and version number.

Solution 2: Resolve Inconsistent Migration Versions

Inconsistent migration versions between environments can also cause the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Identify the migration version that’s causing the error.
  2. Check the migration history in your Flyway configuration file (flyway.config or to determine the correct migration version.
  3. If the migration version in the history is different from the one causing the error, update the version in the history to match the correct one.
  4. Rerun the Flyway migration to apply the corrected version.


Let’s say your Flyway configuration file shows the last applied migration as 20230110150000, but the error is occurring with migration version 20230110151000. Update the migration history to reflect the correct version:

  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb
  user: myuser
  password: mypassword
  schemas: my_schema
  locations: classpath:db/migration
  baseline-version: 20230110150000

Solution 3: Fix Corrupted or Missing Migration Files

If the migration script exists, but Flyway still throws the error, it’s possible that the file is corrupted or incomplete.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Check the migration file for any syntax errors or inconsistencies.
  2. If the file is corrupted, recreate it from a backup or recreate the changes manually.
  3. If the file is incomplete, ensure it contains the necessary SQL statements to complete the migration.
  4. Rerun the Flyway migration to apply the corrected file.


Let’s say you’re experiencing the error with migration version 20230110150000, and upon inspecting the file, you notice that it’s missing the CREATE TABLE statement. Add the missing statement and rerun the Flyway migration:

  name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Solution 4: Update Flyway Configuration

In some cases, the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error can be caused by incorrect Flyway configuration.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Verify that the Flyway configuration file points to the correct migrations folder.
  2. Check that the Flyway version matches the version used to apply the original migration.
  3. Update the Flyway configuration file to reflect any changes to the migrations folder or Flyway version.
  4. Rerun the Flyway migration to apply the corrected configuration.


Let’s say your Flyway configuration file points to the wrong migrations folder. Update the configuration to point to the correct folder:

  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb
  user: myuser
  password: mypassword
  schemas: my_schema
  locations: classpath:db/migrationsorrected


The “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error can be frustrating, but with these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your database migrations back on track. Remember to verify migration script existence and naming, resolve inconsistent migration versions, fix corrupted or missing migration files, and update Flyway configuration as needed.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to overcome this common Flyway error and ensure a smooth and hassle-free database migration experience.

Solution Description
Verify Migration Script Existence and Naming Ensure the migration script exists in the correct location and has the correct naming convention.
Resolve Inconsistent Migration Versions Update the migration history to reflect the correct version and rerun the Flyway migration.
Fix Corrupted or Missing Migration Files Recreate the migration file from a backup or recreate the changes manually, and rerun the Flyway migration.
Update Flyway Configuration Verify that the Flyway configuration file points to the correct migrations folder and update it as needed.

Get back to developing and migrating with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a pesky Flyway error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 FAQs to help you resolve the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error and get your database migrations back on track.

What does the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error mean?

This error occurs when Flyway detects a migration that has been applied to the database, but the corresponding migration script is not found locally. This can happen when you’ve manually applied a migration to the database, or when someone else has made changes to the database without updating the migration scripts.

How do I fix the “Detected applied migration not resolved locally” error?

To fix this error, you’ll need to sync your local migration scripts with the database. You can do this by running the `flyway baseline` command, which will mark the current database state as the baseline for future migrations. Alternatively, you can also try deleting the `flyway_schema_history` table and re-running the migration.

What are the consequences of not resolving this error?

If you don’t resolve this error, you risk causing data inconsistencies and losing data integrity. Flyway won’t be able to track changes to your database, and future migrations may fail or cause unintended consequences. It’s essential to address this error to ensure the reliability and stability of your database.

Can I prevent this error from happening in the future?

Yes, you can! To prevent this error, make sure to always use Flyway to apply migrations to your database. Avoid making manual changes to the database, and ensure that all team members are using the same migration scripts. You can also set up Flyway to run automatically as part of your CI/CD pipeline to ensure that migrations are always up-to-date.

What if I’m still having trouble resolving this error?

Don’t worry! If you’re still having trouble resolving this error, try checking the Flyway documentation or seeking help from the Flyway community. You can also try debugging the issue by checking the Flyway logs or running the migration with the `–verbose` flag. If all else fails, you can always reach out to a professional for assistance.