Git Editor Seems Locked by Non-Existent Version of VS Code? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!
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Git Editor Seems Locked by Non-Existent Version of VS Code? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you tired of seeing the annoying “Git editor seems locked by non-existent version of VS Code” error message popping up every time you try to commit changes to your repository? You’re not alone! Many developers have been in your shoes, and we’re here to help you take back control of your Git workflow.

What’s Causing the Issue?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this frustrating issue. The error message is usually triggered by one of the following reasons:

  • VS Code is not properly configured to interact with Git.
  • There’s a conflict between multiple versions of VS Code installed on your system.
  • The Git configuration file (.gitconfig) is corrupted or contains incorrect information.
  • System permissions or access control issues are preventing VS Code from interacting with Git.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Unlock Your Git Editor

Don’t worry, we’re about to walk you through a series of solutions to help you resolve this issue once and for all. Follow these steps carefully, and you’ll be committing changes like a pro in no time!

Solution 1: Check Your VS Code Configuration

Let’s start with the basics. Ensure that VS Code is properly configured to work with Git:

  1. Open VS Code and navigate to the File menu.
  2. Select Preferences (or press Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows/Linux or Cmd + Shift + P on macOS).
  3. In the Settings panel, search for “git.enabled” and make sure it’s set to true.
  4. Save the changes and restart VS Code.

Solution 2: Identify and Remove Conflicting VS Code Versions

If you have multiple versions of VS Code installed, it might be causing conflicts. Let’s identify and remove any unnecessary versions:

  1. Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog (on Windows) or use the Spotlight search (on macOS).
  2. Type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code (on Windows) or /Applications/Visual Studio (on macOS) and press Enter.
  3. This will open the VS Code installation directory. Look for multiple folders with different version numbers (e.g., 1.55.2, 1.56.0, etc.).
  4. Delete any unnecessary version folders, leaving only the latest or desired version.
  5. Restart VS Code and try committing changes again.

Solution 3: Repair Corrupted Git Configuration File

A corrupted .gitconfig file might be causing issues. Let’s try repairing it:

git config --global --edit

This command will open the .gitconfig file in your default editor. Review the contents and remove any suspicious or incorrect entries. Save the changes and try committing again.

Solution 4: System Permissions and Access Control

In some cases, system permissions or access control issues might be preventing VS Code from interacting with Git. Try the following:

  1. Right-click the VS Code executable (or its shortcut) and select Run as Administrator (on Windows) or Get Info and select Open as Root (on macOS).
  2. Try committing changes again. If it works, you can set VS Code to always run as administrator by following these steps:
  3. Right-click the VS Code executable and select Properties (on Windows) or Get Info (on macOS).
  4. In the Properties window, navigate to the Compatibility tab and select the Run this program as an administrator checkbox.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If the above solutions don’t work, try the following additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for conflicts with other IDEs or editors installed on your system.
  • Verify that your Git repository is correctly configured and initialized.
  • Try resetting Git config to its default state using git config --global --reset.
  • If you’re using a Git GUI client, try committing changes using the command line instead.


We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the “Git editor seems locked by non-existent version of VS Code” issue. Remember to stay calm and methodically work through each solution until you find the one that works for you. Happy coding!

Before you go, take a moment to share your experience with this issue in the comments below. What solution worked for you? Did you encounter any other challenges? Your feedback will help us improve this article and assist others in the future.

Common Issues Solutions
VS Code configuration issues Check VS Code settings, ensure git.enabled is true
Conflicting VS Code versions Identify and remove unnecessary versions
Corrupted Git configuration file Repair .gitconfig file using git config –global –edit
System permissions and access control issues Run VS Code as administrator, check system permissions

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a stubborn Git editor that’s refusing to budge? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the scoop on the Git editor lockout drama, courtesy of a non-existent VS Code version.

Q1: What’s causing this Git editor lockout in the first place?

It’s likely due to a faulty lock file left behind by a previous, now-closed VS Code instance. This sneaky file is tricking Git into thinking the editor is still open, even though it’s not!

Q2: How can I verify if the lock file is indeed the culprit?

Easy peasy! Run the command `git config –global –unset core.editor` in your terminal. If the lockout persists, it’s likely a different issue. But if the editor starts working again, then you can bet your bottom dollar it was that pesky lock file!

Q3: Okay, I’ve removed the lock file, but how do I prevent this from happening again in the future?

Configure your Git editor to use a more robust editor, like VS Code with the `–wait` flag. This ensures the editor process remains active until you close it, eliminating the chance of a stray lock file.

Q4: What if I’m using a different code editor, like Atom or Sublime Text?

No worries! The solution remains the same. Remove the lock file, and configure your Git editor to use the `–wait` flag with your preferred editor. This will ensure a smooth Git editing experience, no matter your editor of choice!

Q5: Is there a way to automate the removal of the lock file, just in case it happens again?

You bet! Create an alias in your Git configuration to automatically remove the lock file when you run `git config –global –unset core.editor`. This way, you’ll never have to worry about that pesky lock file again!

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