Can’t access GCP VM from browser via :? Let’s troubleshoot together!
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Can’t access GCP VM from browser via :? Let’s troubleshoot together!

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why you can’t access your GCP VM from a browser using the public IP address and port? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the possible causes and step-by-step solutions to get you back up and running in no time.


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  • A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project set up and running.
  • A VM instance created and running in your project.
  • A public IP address assigned to your VM instance.
  • A firewall rule set up to allow incoming traffic on the desired port.

Common Causes of Access Issues

Let’s explore some common reasons why you might be unable to access your GCP VM from a browser:

  • Firewall rules not configured correctly: Double-check that your firewall rule is set up to allow incoming traffic on the correct port and IP address.
  • Network tags not applied correctly: Ensure that the correct network tags are applied to your VM instance to allow traffic to flow.
  • VM instance not running or not responding: Verify that your VM instance is running and responding to pings or SSH connections.
  • Public IP address not assigned or not reachable: Check that the public IP address is assigned and reachable from the outside world.
  • Port not open or not listening: Verify that the port is open and listening on the VM instance.
  • Security group or ACL blocking traffic: Check if any security groups or ACLs are blocking traffic to or from your VM instance.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the common causes, let’s work through some troubleshooting steps to identify and resolve the issue:

  1. Verify firewall rules:

    Check the firewall rules in your GCP project to ensure that incoming traffic is allowed on the correct port and IP address. You can do this by:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules list --project [PROJECT_ID]

    Look for the firewall rule that allows incoming traffic on the desired port and IP address. If you don’t see one, create a new rule using the following command:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create [RULE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --network [NETWORK_NAME] --allow tcp:[PORT] --source-ranges [IP_ADDRESS]
  2. Verify network tags:

    Check that the correct network tags are applied to your VM instance. You can do this by:

    gcloud compute instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]

    Look for the “tags” section in the output. If the network tag is not applied, you can add it using the following command:

    gcloud compute instances add-tags [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE] --tags [NETWORK_TAG]
  3. Verify VM instance status:

    Check that your VM instance is running and responding to pings or SSH connections. You can do this by:

    gcloud compute instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]

    Look for the “status” section in the output. If the instance is not running, you can start it using the following command:

    gcloud compute instances start [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]
  4. Verify public IP address:

    Check that the public IP address is assigned and reachable from the outside world. You can do this by:

    gcloud compute instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]

    Look for the “networkInterfaces” section in the output. If the public IP address is not assigned, you can add one using the following command:

    gcloud compute instances add-access-config [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE] --access-config-name [ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME]
  5. Verify port is open and listening:

    Check that the port is open and listening on the VM instance. You can do this by:

    ssh [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]

    Once connected, use the following command to check if the port is listening:

    netstat -tlnp | grep [PORT]

    If the port is not listening, you’ll need to configure the application or service to listen on the correct port.

  6. Verify security group or ACL not blocking traffic:

    Check if any security groups or ACLs are blocking traffic to or from your VM instance. You can do this by:

    gcloud compute instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME] --project [PROJECT_ID] --zone [ZONE]

    Look for the “networkInterfaces” section in the output. Check if any security groups or ACLs are associated with the network interface. If so, verify that they are not blocking traffic.

    Security Group or ACL Blocking Traffic?
    Security Group 1 No
    Security Group 2 Yes
    ACL 1 No
    ACL 2 Yes

    If any security groups or ACLs are blocking traffic, you’ll need to modify or remove them to allow traffic to flow.


By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing you from accessing your GCP VM from a browser using the public IP address and port. Remember to double-check your firewall rules, network tags, VM instance status, public IP address, port configuration, and security groups or ACLs to ensure that everything is configured correctly.

If you’re still having trouble, feel free to reach out to the GCP community or support team for further assistance. Happy troubleshooting!

Additional Resources

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be taken as advice. Ensure you follow the official GCP documentation and best practices when configuring your GCP project.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with accessing your GCP VM from a browser? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

I’ve set up the firewall rules, but I still can’t access my GCP VM from a browser. What’s going on?

Double-check that the firewall rules are configured correctly and applied to the correct network interface. Ensure the rule is enabled and targeted at the correct protocol (TCP or UDP) and port number. Also, verify that the VM instance has a public IP address and the network tags are correctly assigned.

I’ve checked the firewall rules, and they seem correct. What’s the next step?

Verify that the service or application is running and listening on the specified port. You can use the `netstat` command or `ss` command on Linux to check if the port is in use. Additionally, check the VM’s serial console output for any error messages related to the service or application.

I’m using a Linux-based VM. Are there any specific configuration files I should check?

Yes! Check the Linux firewall configuration files, such as `/etc/sysconfig/iptables` or `/etc/ufw/applications.d/`. Ensure that the port is allowed in the configuration files. You can also check the system logs to see if there are any error messages related to the firewall or service.

What about Windows-based VMs? Are there any specific configuration files I should check?

For Windows-based VMs, check the Windows Firewall settings and ensure that the port is allowed in the Inbound Rules. You can also check the Event Viewer logs for any error messages related to the Windows Firewall or service.

I’ve checked everything, and I’m still having issues. What’s my next step?

Reach out to Google Cloud Support or a trusted GCP administrator for further assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and provide more detailed guidance specific to your setup.

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