Objdump – How to Produce Source Code for the Library Functions in the Assembly Output
Image by Bekki - hkhazo.biz.id

Objdump – How to Produce Source Code for the Library Functions in the Assembly Output

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Welcome, fellow programmers and reverse-engineering enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of objdump, a fantastic tool that helps us disassemble binary files and uncover the secrets of library functions. Specifically, we’ll explore how to produce source code for those mysterious library functions that often hide in the assembly output. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What is Objdump?

Objdump is a part of the GNU Binutils package, a collection of binary utility tools used for manipulating and analyzing object files, archives, and executables. Objdump, in particular, is a disassembler that translates machine code into human-readable assembly language. This powerful tool is essential for understanding the inner workings of compiled code and is widely used in various fields, including:

  • Reverse engineering
  • Debugging
  • Code analysis
  • Malware research
  • Embedded systems development

Why Do We Need to Produce Source Code for Library Functions?

When working with compiled code, we often encounter library functions that are essential to the program’s functionality. These functions, however, are usually obfuscated, making it difficult to understand their inner workings. By producing source code for these library functions, we can:

  • Gain insight into the function’s logic and behavior
  • Optimize the function for better performance
  • Fix bugs and errors
  • Improve code maintainability and readability
  • Enhance overall code security

Producing Source Code for Library Functions with Objdump

Now that we’ve established the importance of producing source code for library functions, let’s get our hands dirty and explore the process using objdump. We’ll use a simple example to demonstrate the steps.

Step 1: Obtain the Library File

For this example, we’ll use the `libc.so.6` library file, which is a part of the GNU C Library. You can find this file in your system’s library directory (e.g., `/usr/lib` or `/lib`). Make sure to adjust the file path accordingly.

$ objdump -p /usr/lib/libc.so.6

Step 2: Identify the Library Function

Let’s assume we want to produce source code for the `malloc` function, which is a part of the `libc` library. We can use objdump’s `-T` option to display the dynamic symbol table:

$ objdump -T /usr/lib/libc.so.6 | grep malloc

This command will output the symbol information for the `malloc` function, including its address and size:

0000000000063e10 g    F .text  0000000000000042  GNU  malloc

Step 3: Disassemble the Library Function

Now, we’ll use objdump’s `-d` option to disassemble the `malloc` function:

$ objdump -d --start-address=0x0063e10 --stop-address=0x0063e10+42 /usr/lib/libc.so.6

This command will generate the assembly code for the `malloc` function. You can redirect the output to a file for easier analysis:

$ objdump -d --start-address=0x0063e10 --stop-address=0x0063e10+42 /usr/lib/libc.so.6 > malloc.asm

Step 4: Analyze and Refactor the Assembly Code

The generated assembly code will likely be complex and difficult to read. You’ll need to analyze the code, identify the entry and exit points, and refactor it to produce readable and maintainable source code. This step requires a deep understanding of assembly language, CPU architecture, and the library function’s logic.

For the sake of brevity, we won’t delve into the details of analyzing and refactoring the assembly code. However, here’s a simplified example of what the refactored source code for the `malloc` function might look like:

void *malloc(size_t size) {
    // ...
    void *ptr = sbrk(size);
    // ...
    return ptr;

Challenges and Limitations

While objdump is an incredibly powerful tool, producing source code for library functions can be a challenging task. Some of the limitations and challenges you may encounter include:

  • Complexity of the assembly code: Disassembled code can be difficult to understand, especially for complex functions.
  • Lack of symbol information: In some cases, objdump may not be able to extract symbol information, making it harder to identify the library function.
  • Optimized code: Optimized code can be difficult to reverse-engineer, as the compiler may have applied various optimizations that obscure the original logic.
  • Anti-reverse-engineering measures: Some libraries may employ anti-reverse-engineering techniques, such as code obfuscation or encryption, to prevent analysis.


Producing source code for library functions using objdump is a powerful technique that can help you gain a deeper understanding of compiled code. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can uncover the secrets of library functions and improve your code analysis and reverse-engineering skills.

Remember, objdump is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of contexts, from debugging to malware research. With practice and patience, you’ll become proficient in using objdump to produce source code for library functions and unlock the mysteries of compiled code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between objdump and other disassemblers like IDA Pro or Ghidra?
A: Objdump is a command-line disassembler that focuses on producing assembly code, whereas IDA Pro and Ghidra are interactive disassemblers that offer more advanced features, such as graphical representations and code analysis capabilities.

Q: Can I use objdump to produce source code for my own compiled programs?
A: Yes, objdump can be used to disassemble and produce source code for your own compiled programs. However, keep in mind that the resulting code may not be identical to the original source code due to compiler optimizations and other factors.

Q: Is it legal to reverse-engineer and produce source code for library functions?
A: The legality of reverse-engineering and producing source code for library functions depends on the specific circumstances and the license agreements governing the library. Be sure to consult the relevant licenses and laws before engaging in such activities.

Tool Description
Objdump A command-line disassembler that produces assembly code
IDA Pro An interactive disassembler with advanced features for code analysis
Ghidra An open-source, interactive disassembler with code analysis capabilities

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of objdump and dive into the world of assembly code!

Q: What is objdump, and how does it relate to producing source code for library functions?

_objdump is a command-line utility that displays information about object files, executables, and shared libraries. It can disassemble machine code into assembly code, which is a crucial step in producing source code for library functions. Think of objdump as a superpower that lets you peek inside compiled code and reverse-engineer it into its original form!

Q: How do I use objdump to generate assembly code for a library function?

To generate assembly code for a library function using objdump, you can use the following command: `objdump -d -M intel -S library_function.o > assembly_code.asm`. This command disassembles the machine code in the object file `library_function.o` and produces an assembly code file `assembly_code.asm` in Intel syntax. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Q: What options do I need to use with objdump to get the desired output?

To get the desired output, you can use the following options with objdump: `-d` to disassemble the code, `-M intel` to specify the syntax (Intel, AT&T, or other), `-S` to include source code intermixed with disassembly, and `-l` to include line numbers. You can also use `-p` to specify the starting address or `-e` to specify the ending address. Mix and match these options to tailor your output to your needs!

Q: Can I use objdump to disassemble and generate assembly code for entire libraries or executables?

Absolutely! objdump can handle entire libraries or executables, not just individual functions. Simply replace the object file or function name with the path to the library or executable, and objdump will do its magic! For example, `objdump -d -M intel -S libmylibrary.so > assembly_code.asm` will disassemble the entire `libmylibrary.so` shared library and produce an assembly code file.

Q: Are there any limitations or considerations when using objdump to produce source code for library functions?

Yes, there are some limitations and considerations when using objdump. For example, objdump may not always be able to accurately identify the original source code or reconstruct the exact original code. Additionally, some libraries or executables may be stripped of debugging information, making it harder or impossible to generate meaningful assembly code. Always use objdump with caution and be aware of its limitations!

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