Mastering INITCAP in Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting a Field to Proper Case
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Mastering INITCAP in Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting a Field to Proper Case

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When working with databases, it’s not uncommon to encounter fields with inconsistent capitalization. Whether it’s due to user input or legacy data, it can be a real pain to deal with. Fortunately, Postgres provides a powerful function called INITCAP that can help you set a field to proper case with ease. In this article, we’ll explore how to use INITCAP to set a field to proper case, but with a twist – we’ll do it only after the first comma.

What is INITCAP?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick look at what INITCAP is and how it works. INITCAP is a Postgres function that converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase, while making all other characters lowercase. This is particularly useful when working with titles, names, or any other field that requires proper capitalization.

The Problem: Setting a Field to Proper Case Only After the First Comma

Now, let’s say you have a field that contains a list of values separated by commas. You want to set the entire field to proper case, but only after the first comma. This is where things get a bit tricky. Using INITCAP alone won’t cut it, as it will capitalize every word, including the ones before the first comma. We need a more clever approach to solve this problem.

The first step is to split the string into two parts: the part before the first comma and the part after. We can use the SPLIT_PART function in Postgres to achieve this. Here’s an example:

SELECT SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 1) as before_comma,
       SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 2) as after_comma
FROM table;

This will give us two separate columns: `before_comma` and `after_comma`. The `before_comma` column will contain the part of the string before the first comma, while the `after_comma` column will contain the part after.

Now, we can apply INITCAP to the `after_comma` part to set it to proper case:

SELECT SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 1) as before_comma,
       INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 2)) as after_comma_proper_case
FROM table;

The INITCAP function will capitalize the first character of each word in the `after_comma` part, giving us the desired output.

Finally, we need to concatenate the `before_comma` part and the `after_comma_proper_case` part to get the final result:

SELECT CONCAT(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 1), ',', INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 2))) as final_result
FROM table;

This will give us the final output, where the entire field is set to proper case, but only after the first comma.

Putting it all Together: The Complete Solution

Here’s the complete solution:

    WHEN LENGTH(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 1)) > 0 
    THEN CONCAT(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 1), ',', INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(field, ',', 2))) 
    ELSE INITCAP(field) 
  END as final_result
FROM table;

This solution takes into account the possibility that the field might not contain a comma, and if that’s the case, it will simply apply INITCAP to the entire field.


In this article, we’ve seen how to use INITCAP in Postgres to set a field to proper case, but only after the first comma. By splitting the string into two parts, applying INITCAP to the after-comma part, and concatenating the two parts, we can achieve the desired output. This solution is flexible, scalable, and easy to implement. Whether you’re working with titles, names, or any other type of data, this technique will help you get the job done.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: If the field is empty, the solution will return an empty string. You can add additional logic to handle this scenario, such as returning a default value or raising an error.

A: The solution will work regardless of the number of commas in the field. It will only consider the first comma and set the part after it to proper case.

A: The INITCAP function is specific to Postgres, but similar functions exist in other database management systems, such as SQL Server and Oracle. You can adapt this solution to work with your specific database management system.

Function Description
INITCAP Converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase, while making all other characters lowercase.
SPLIT_PART Splits a string into multiple parts based on a specified delimiter.
CONCAT Concatenates multiple strings into a single string.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to set a field to proper case using INITCAP in Postgres, but only after the first comma. Remember to adapt this solution to your specific use case and database management system. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of using INITCAP in Postgres like a pro!

How do I use INITCAP in Postgres to capitalize the first letter of each word in a field?

You can use the INITCAP function in Postgres to capitalize the first letter of each word in a field. The syntax is `INITCAP(string)`. For example, `SELECT INITCAP(‘hello world’)` would return ‘Hello World’.

What if I only want to capitalize the words after the first comma in a string?

You can use a combination of the SPLIT_PART and INITCAP functions to achieve this. For example, `SELECT INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(‘hello,world,foo,bar’, ‘,’, 2))` would return ‘World’ (note that the SPLIT_PART function returns the second part of the string, which is ‘world’, and then INITCAP capitalizes it). You can then concatenate the result with the first part of the string to get the final result.

How do I handle strings with multiple commas and multiple words after the first comma?

You can use a combination of the SPLIT_PART and INITCAP functions with the STRING_AGG function to handle strings with multiple commas and multiple words after the first comma. For example, `SELECT STRING_AGG(INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(val, ‘,’, 1)), ‘,’), STRING_AGG(INITCAP(SPLIT_PART(val, ‘,’, 2)), ‘,’)) FROM (VALUES (‘hello,world,foo,bar’)) AS t(val)` would return ‘Hello’ and ‘World,Foo,Bar’.

What if I want to capitalize the entire string after the first comma, rather than individual words?

You can use the INITCAP function in combination with the SUBSTR function to capitalize the entire string after the first comma. For example, `SELECT SUBSTR(‘hello,world foo bar’, strpos(‘hello,world foo bar’, ‘,’) + 1) || ‘=>’ || INITCAP(SUBSTR(‘hello,world foo bar’, strpos(‘hello,world foo bar’, ‘,’) + 1))` would return ‘=> World Foo Bar’.

Can I use INITCAP with other string functions to achieve complex formatting?

Yes, you can combine INITCAP with other string functions to achieve complex formatting. For example, you can use INITCAP with the CONCAT function to capitalize the first letter of each word and then concatenate the result with other strings. You can also use INITCAP with the REPLACE function to replace certain characters or patterns and then capitalize the result. The possibilities are endless!